Friday 19 May 2017

Download Shareit for Ubuntu 14,15.10,16.02 (Video Guide)

Install Shareit for Ubuntu & shareit for ubuntu 15.10 free download
Well, so this is what I am going to talk about today. How to run Shareit for Ubuntu? Sounds cool right. Well there are a few trick on using Shareit for Ubuntu… Unlike using an emulator on Windows or iOS… using a different method will be a little lengthy, so bear with me and let me take you through the steps on how you can  run Shareit on Ubuntu.

Methods To Install Shareit on Ubuntu pc laptop:Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

First to start up with the process, you will need to download an software called ARChon runtime from the GitHub link. With this software you will be able to run android apps on Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Linux Mint. So far I ahve runned Telegram, Shareit, UCbrowser and few other random apps… and being in the initial developing stage if you are facing any problem using this software then leave a comment below. So lets get down with the process:Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

  • The first thing you will need to do is extract the files of the ARChon runtime.
  • The next step will be to Install Node.js and npm which will be available too with the link.
  • Now you will also need to install the required tool which are :
It’s recommend to download the apk files from any random site as fwe of the non trusted site may contain virus or malware coding which can be bad.

  • Now that you are done with the process you will also need to run a command to covert as for Chrome, the command are as follows:
  • Now that the command has been been applied, this will automatically create a way for the app into the Home of the Ubuntu machine.
Now all you need to do is open the developer mode in the Chrome browser and go to extension and press “Load unpacked extension” tab. Now you will be prompt to select the extracted ARChon folder.And finally now you will need to utilize the ‘Load unpacked extension’ to click and load the Shareit apk for android file that was creatd using the tool from step 3. Now that the app is loaded you will simply need to click on launch to Start up the Shareit for Ubuntu.

shareit for ubuntu 16.04 step by step video guide

That’s it, this may be alittle complicated but it is worth a try for an amzing file transferring app like Shareit. So go ahead and give it a try and if you can run any other app using the same process then do let me know in the comment box bellow.

Thursday 18 May 2017

How to Start Your Dream Career: Tips for Students ?

Of course, you want to do what you love. Who doesn’t? The question is how do you actually go about doing it? What can you do to change your dream into something that actually represents some kind of plan?
Here we’re going to explore some of the most important steps you can take to getting the career that fills your head (and heart) at night.
It’s important to note that you can’t wave a magic wand to get where you want to go. Instead, it’s going to take some hard work and some real conviction. The best predictor of whether you’ll actually end up doing what you love isn’t intelligence, nor is it who you know; it’s perseverance and grit. So, whatever you do, don’t give up. Push onwards and upwards.
The sky really is the limit if you’re willing to reach that high!Related Read:GroupBuy SEO Tools
Steps and leaps
The best thing you can do is to take a two-pronged approach. On the one hand make the Hail Marys (aka the long shots) and aim for the moon. On the other hand, you’ll also want to make some less ambitious plays — where you aim to just get a job that gets you in the industry that you want to join or where you can learn the skills that you’ll need to get closer to where you want to go.Related Read:GroupBuy SEO Tools
The reason that you want to follow this strategy is so that if the long shots don’t pan out (which, let’s face it, often they don’t), then you’ll still have backup plans that move you in the right direction. Even better, by having the backup options, when one of the dream opportunities presents itself, you’ll be a little less nervous as though a lot rides on this, not everything does.
Take extracurricular activities in the right direction
When a real opportunity does present itself, you want to be in the best position you can be. To that end, make sure that you’re taking courses and opportunities that will look good to people in your dream sector. Take extra classes, read books related to your field of interest, join clubs and do anything else that you need to which will:
  1. Teach you the right skills
  2. Make it clear that you’ve learned them
Most people scoff at that second point. They think that people should just recognize their greatness without proof and think . Those are people who will not get far in life. Don’t be one of them. Understand the power of building a personal brand and the power of looking good and marketing yourself well.
Have your resume ready
Make sure your resume is up-to-date and ready to go. That way, when you come across job opportunities, you can send off a perfect copy of your CV without delay. This is much better than having to rush to put one together at the last minute, as it likely won’t be the best it can be. In fact, it might end up being full of mistakes and typos that you won’t catch because you’re too busy rushing around like a headless chicken.
Don’t let that happen.
Imagine what skills your dream job would need and write the perfect CV for it. Then ask for feedback from friends, family and trusted mentors that know how to make your resume even better. You may even consider using a resume-writing service to make it better. Here are some good writing service reviews to look through, so that you can find the best company.
Be proactive in your job search
Yes, it is possible to find your next job through the popular job sites. It is not, however, the easiest method. Because there is often a high volume of job-seekers searching through these sites, there is a lot of competition. This can be even more difficult if you are just breaking into the field and don’t have that much experience yet. For that reason, you may opt to tap into the hidden job market and go directly to company websites of interest and request an informational interview to get in the door.
Connect with people over social media that you haven’t spoken with for a while. Create relationships with professors and school faculty. Go to social events that are in the direction of your dream job. Ask for advice from anybody that you know who works in the sector. Do whatever it takes to appear on the radars of people that you think might know people. In fact, work hard to appear on everybody’s radar. You never know which people will have the connections that you’re looking for and sometimes perceived weak connections are better for finding jobs.
And then, just keep going. After all, it doesn’t matter how many “No’s” they give you. All you need is one “Yes.” So, don’t focus on how many times you’ve been rejected. Instead, see those rejections as stepping stones to your ultimate success.
The world is full of quitters. None of them will ever get their dream job. So keep going. Then you will.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

4 Ways To Market Yourself When You Are An Introvert 2017

Marketing is misconstrued to be the turf of extroverts; however, introverts harbor similar skills such as critical thinking, analytical skills, excellent relationship building techniques et al. just like their extrovert counterparts. They require more energy to use them, and this makes it harder for them to get out into the world and market themselves and their event businesses.

People like Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, are introverts who have used the tips below to market themselves, and they became some of the biggest entrepreneurs in the world.

Focus On One-On-One Networking Opportunities
Introverts have one of the best skills in business, listening. This ability makes them better at creating relationships that are more meaningful. Seek smaller networking events where you can be comfortable with sharing your ideas with other event industry professionals. If you find yourself in large social gatherings, narrow down your interactions to a few people and have in-depth conversations about your niche in the events industry.Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

The internet is the best piece of technology we have so far, and it has given rise to a new world we now call digital marketing. As an introvert, you do not have to deal with people directly when you are starting out. Invest in getting more out of your digital marketing by using online marketing tools such as PPCs, CTAs, SEO, SEM, SMM, et al. when done right, customers will come to you.

Set up a website, blog, newsletters podcasts, to get your voice heard about your business.Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

Become the Expert
Being the expert in your field will boost your confidence. Google can help you be the expert by doing research in your business niche will help you to know everything there is to it and you are better off when you master the techniques in the events industry.

Coupled with excellent branding, being the go-to expert in the field will bring customers to you. You can become an expert by also create and publish content in your field through a:

  • Book
  • eBook
  • Blog
  • Tweet and Post often and responsibly
Prepare What to Say
Unlike extroverts, introverts can boost their marketing strategies by preparing and planning on what to say well in advance. This allows you to reflect on the topics you wish to discuss in advance and the best form of delivery. As an introvert, prepare a structured list of the topics you will discuss, questions you will ask, and keep it on your phone or in your notebook. This is a proven method of marketing for introverts.

In conclusion, the power to market yourself is in your thoughts. The book by James Allen is a good read that will help you to apply your thoughts and ideas to boost your corporate branding with excellent marketing strategies using the power of your mind.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

SEO Audit is one of the most important aspects of any SEO campaign

SEO Audit : And to check if the website itself is optimized for search engines you need to take into account the following factors:

Titles and Descriptions – are they unique for each page? Do you have duplicate titles and meta descriptions on your site pages?

Content – make sure you don’ have any duplicate content on your site. You may use Duplicate Content Detection Software to check if your site content is unique.

URL Structure – make sure your URLs are well-organized and properly formatted.

Internal linking – Linking your pages together is useful to both search engines and users.
Remember that good URLs include keywords, keywords are hyphenated, and these URLs are unique for each page and don’t include more than 255 characters (together with the domain name).Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

Text formatting – Make sure that you don’t just have plain text in your pages. Use H1, H2, etc. heading, bold, italics. That will make your pages more readable for users and search engine friendly.

Images – Images are useful of making the page easier to read and more attractive to social media website (especially Pinterest and the mobile platform Instagram). But mind that they can work against SEO if they increase the loading time of a page.  Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

Broken links – Broken links are bad for the user experience and thus not good from an SEO perspective. There are 2 ways to check for broken links:
1.  Use a tool like Xenu or Screaming Frog.  
2.  Use the ‘Crawl errors’ report in your Google and Bing webmaster tools to find broken links within your web site. 
You can also this issue by correcting the links or doing 301 redirects to a valid URL.

Page speed – The faster, the better!

Web site structure - What I usually advise my clients to check is the following:
  • Does the website have a  clear content structure? Is the content grouped into relevant categories  and pages?
  • Does it have a contact, privacy policy, disclaimer and about page?
  • Does it have a breadcrumb on all internal pages?

User-friendliness - and finally, try to make your website ultimately user friendly. 

1. what happens when a user types a wrong url? Is the 404 page friendly?
2. f the users find what they want is less than 3 clicks?
3. whether your site has a clearly defined main menu?
4. if you distinguish between Site content and ads?
5. if it has a consistent interface across all pages?
6. whether or not it has a user sitemap. If it doesn’t submit it. 
That’s basically it.

Monday 15 May 2017

Best features the online SEO tools like WebCEO, SEOmoz, Raven SEO, Hubspot 2017

Great answer by Rand, I’ll drop in my 2c as a bit of an SEO tool junky who’s also worked in the space. 

Like anything else it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re a novice or SMB owner looking for something to help you figure out online marketing I think Hubspot is a solid solution (note that I’ve seen a demo of the software and trialed it but never used it extensively). Hubspot is a bit more of a traditional SaaS company in the sense that they have a large inside sales team and an extensive services team that does a lot of work with you during the onboarding process (this is partly because there are a lot of touch points with the implementation, as Rand alluded to). There are some other solutions popping up in this market segment as well, such as DIYSEO.

If you’re more advanced and/or working with multiple clients I think there are really five outstanding toolsets that all excel at different things IMO:Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools


The SEO Moz toolset is awesome – if you’re looking for something that
generates a technical audit for clients the Web app is very useful. OSE and
LinkScape are awesome tools for link analysis – there is a lot of great data
there (some that you won’t find with Yahoo! Site Explorer) but the thing I find
really useful is the filtering and prioritization functionality. It’s not a
perfect mirror of what Google thinks obviously but it does a really nice job of
bubbling up the most interesting links for a client, competitor, third party
site and being able to look only at followed links, filter by 301 redirects,
etc.  Between the Web app and the link data there’s a ton of value for a relatively low price point – the UI on these are excellent too and they’re super easy to use.
SEO Book

A lot of these tools are actually free with a free account set up and you get
more with a membership. SEO Book isn’t really an “SEO Software” company in the traditional sense since the core component of their offering is a premium
community membership (which is excellent) so the tools tend to be less
integrated with each other and the UI on some of them is a little rough, but
the SEO Toolbar, SEO for Firefox, and Rank Checker (which I believe are all
still free) really give as much utility as most SEO tools you’d pay for (and
more than many J).

There are also a lot of great keyword tools (The SEO Book Keyword Tool, a
competitive tool that uses SEM Rush data, and some others) which some of the
other vendors tend to be somewhat light on, and there are probably more
affiliate-specific tools (like a really sweet keyword research tool that returns keyword results side-by-side with domain and TLD availability) than anything else on the list.


Buzzstream is great for link management – if you’re doing extensive link
building campaigns with lots of people working on them these tools are
excellent. Raven has some very slick tools here as well. This is more for
industrial-strength link management, I think SMB owners and some of the people who get a lot of value out of HubSpot might have difficulty getting a lot of
value out of Buzzstream.

I am a huge Ontolo fan – they serve a niche within a niche which is basically
link prospecting or link discovery – if you are doing “industrial strength”
link builidng (think hyper-competitive niches like gambling, finance, cont. ed,
insurance, etc. or a lot of link prospecting/link building for clients) it’s
really really valuable because it’s a huge productivity enhancer. You have to
be looking to do this kind of work already, though – definitely not something
for the Hubspot prospect.Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

Raven SEO
Raven is building a really comprehensive toolset and their product team is
really innovative/clever (a lot of times they come out with stuff like their
Text Broker integration or their recent Custom Rank and I think “obviously!”
which for me is a sign they’re building useful stuff – useful for me anyway J). They have some very useful link management tools, their rank tracker is pretty good and it’s integrated with some of their other keyword tools (lots of APIs to leading KW research tools like WordTracker, SEM Rush, Google), and they have some blogging tools, content management tools, etc. The breadth of the toolset is really amazing, particularly as they’re boostrapped and never got any sort of VC dev cycle shot in the arm. Things they don’t do though are link prospecting, crawling a site, and I prefer stuff like the SEO Book keyword tools.

I also like the Majestic SEO tools and the team over there is really smart, but for various reasons the above tools are the ones I use most frequently.

And then there are a bunch of point solution type tools on top of these like WordStream (I’m a former employee), Linkdex, and a slew of Spy
Tools (VC from SEO Book had an excellent series of remarkably in-depth reviews of these and a few other tools here:

Really what the best features are depends on what you’re trying to accomplish, for my money. At a really high level/to summarize I’d say if you need:
  • A tool to assist with technical site audits, Moz is your best bet.
  • Tools to find affiliate opportunities (new sites/niches) SEO Book is probably the most valuable
  • To find lots of great link targets Ontolo is best suited
  • To manage your link building efforts, particularly across multiple targets, Buzzstream is probably the best with Raven a close second
  • To research competitors’ backlinks or do a lot of link analysis on a variety of different sites, I like Moz personally and Influence Finder and Majestic SEO are other good options
  • To integrate on-going rank tracking with any of the above tasks, Moz or Raven are probably your best options.

So likely you’ll want to identify the top few items on your to-do list/list of recs and mix and match the tools listed above to try to get the best-in-class for the lowest amount possible. SEO software is still a pretty nascent space so it’s likely you’ll want to use a couple, but the good news is I think that the fact that the space is largely under-developed and that a lot of the tools are a bit narrow in focus leads to a DRAMATIC undervaluing of the functionality of a lot of the tools listed above, so even if you’re paying for three different subscriptions you’re likely getting a lot more value than the monthly cost you shell out (I certainly feel like I do).

Steal these 5 on-page SEO strategies (that actually work) 2017

A few weeks ago I was on a call with a consulting client.
This client is one of the biggest travel brands in the world. You'd recognize their name in an instant.
As soon as we finish our small talk, my client says:
"Hey Brian. I just had a meeting with the whole marketing division. We really need to focus on our on-page SEO.
I know you're the man that can help us with that."
Later that night, I was in a taxi on my way to dinner. And I couldn't help but chuckle as I thought back to that call...Related Read:GroupBuy SEO Tools
When I first got started with SEO, my approach to on-page SEO could be summarized in two words:
Keyword stuffing.
Today, some of the biggest brands online pay me for my on-site SEO advice. Crazy.
What changed?
Over the years (thanks to A LOT of trial and error) I learned the right way to optimize content.
In simple terms: I focused on giving Google what it wanted. And my rankings shot up like a beanstalk.
And I still use many of these same on-page SEO tactics today.
Specifically, I focus on a handful of advanced on-site techniques that make Google's job easier.
Without further ado, here are the 5 tactics that tend to work best:
#1: I delete "dead weight" pages
If you're like most people, you have at least a few "dead weight" pages on your site.
And from lots of testing I've found that these dead weight pages can put a serious dent in your SEO efforts.
What are dead weight pages, you ask?
Pages like:Related Read:GroupBuy SEO Tools
  • Old blog posts
  • Ecommerce product pages that don't generate sales
  • Archive pages
  • etc.
In fact, I recently advised the guys at to delete their dead weight pages.
#2: I cut out the junk from my URLs
Back in the day, my URLs would look something like this:
All these long URLs do is confuse the heck out of Google.
Instead, I cut out all the junk and made my URLs either ONLY my target keyword or ONLY the title of the page.
For example, if my keyword was blue widgets, I'd use a URL like:
#3: I link out to authoritative resources
This is a big one.
Most SEO-focused folks don't link out to other sites enough.
The idea is that they'll lose traffic and bleed link authority (PageRank).
But here's the deal:
Google WANTS to send their users to pages that are hubs of helpful information.
(And yes, that includes pages with a healthy amount of outbound links)
And for every user you lose from an outbound link, you gain TWO from the boost in SEO traffic.
So make sure you include at least 3 outbound links to closely-related authority sites in every post.
#4: I add modifiers to my title tags
Believe it or not, but 50-75% of your search engine traffic comes from long tail searches.
And a good chunk of these long tails are 6-8 word keywords that are NEVER going to show up in a keyword research tool.
So how can you possibly optimize around them?
That's simple: just add "modifier" words to your title tag. Some of my favorites are: "2016", "best", "review", and "checklist".
So you'd make your title tag something like:
Blue Widgets: The Best Options for 2016
These modifiers are words that tend to show up in long tail searches. And when you include them in your title tags, you'll gobble up more long tail traffic.
#5: I make sure my posts are 1200+ words
Sure, this goes against conventional wisdom.
But, as they say, results don't lie.
Every single one of my top-ranking posts are at least 1200+ words of meaty, valuable content.
Sure, a lot of so-called "experts" told me that no one online will read more than 400 words.
But after a lot of testing, I've found this to be complete BS.
You see, when you create a valuable resource on a topic someone cares about, that person WANTS to read a lot about it.
So when you give them a comprehensive resource, they'll thank you for it.
(Also, my industry study of 1 million search results found that longer content ranks better in Google)
So if there's a page you really, really want to rank for, make sure that page is 1200+ words of outstanding content.
Now I want to turn it over to you:
Which of these 5 strategies are you going to implement first?
Hit "reply" to this email and let me know.
While I can't personally reply to every message, I read every email.
Talk to you soon.

Top Tips And Expert Advice On Multi-level Marketing 2017

Multi-level marketing is one thing that is hard to begin. This guide will aid you during the process. Follow this advice to do well with MLM.

TIP! Don’t give people misleading information to get them to join your downline. The result will be that they will quit when they do not succeed as quickly as you told them they would.
Don’t overwhelm those you love by constantly trying to market to them. While you love what you are doing, you need to restrict your communication with your loved ones. You do not want to harm your personal relationships. Pass on what you know without becoming obnoxious.
Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

TIP! Keep the momentum going on a daily basis. It can be easy to let days go by without taking real action, but in order to find real MLM success, you have to be constantly moving.
Set goals each and every day. You are your boss with MLM. That means you are held accountable for building a profitable business. Starting with a list of achievable goals is they key. Write them down and commit yourself to reaching them. In order to be successful, you need to develop this goal-setting habit.

TIP! Don’t overwhelm friends and family with marketing messages. You might enjoy what you’re working on, but you have to work on how you communicate with people.
You need to consider timing and momentum when you choose a MLM. What are they now? What is happening within the company? Find out about projected growth rates and what the business expectations are for the foreseeable future. Don’t get on board when the ship is sinking.

TIP! Listen to what others have to say. Most people in this field will support each other.
Make sure you are realistic about how much money you can make through MLM endeavors. Dedicated yourself fully to these goals and you will achieve them. There really is a great chance that most people who join an MLM business will not be successful. Never fall prey to over-hyped claims of assured riches.

TIP! Always recognize your customers and team members who are loyal. When your team has amazing sales or leads, be sure to reward them.
Grow awareness about your business with creativity. Find as many ways as you can to share your business with others. Explore the viability of these approaches in your social disucssions. This will increase people’s interest by default.

TIP! Avoid pyramid schemes. Many MLMs are totally reputable, but then there are less than reputable ones out there too.
Family and friends are potential customers. This is a huge area of opportunity, as many will become loyal repeat customers. Heed caution, however. Pushing your loved ones too much can lead to some seriously awkward moments. There is a very fine line there and it’s best to avoid it all together.

TIP! Consider both timing and momentum when considering a multi-level marking opportunity. What does the business look like at this moment? What is its internal structure like? Look at honest assessments and growth rates to see if business is coming in upcoming quarters.
When recruiting new people, be ready to guide them. It is essential that you offer them support so they are confident enough to get out there on their own. The time spent with new recruits is a solid investment in your MLM business.
Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

TIP! Make sure that you educate yourself. It’s up to you to learn how to be creative in your marketing pitch.
Create a site which offers how-to information. Showing step-by-step instructions can increase the flow of traffic that comes to your site. This will keep people attracted to your site. This will increase the chance of you gaining new people into your network. You can also use it for affiliate marketing.

TIP! Look for customers among your family and friends. This offers a lot of opportunity.
Host an event that can be used to introduce people to your MLM opportunity. This will get motivated people grouped in the same environment and helps them get in the correct mindset. Hosting a weekly get-together is a great way for people to meet and discuss your opportunity.

TIP! Remember, recruits require attention from you to succeed. Always give them lots of support and guide them until they have gained enough confidence to handle everything on their own.
Bring an accountant onto your team prior to starting MLM. You must have a regular accountant in place once you become involved. It’s important to know what you can write off. Learn how to deal with taxes. Most people file their taxes annually; however, you may need to file them every quarter.

TIP! Get the advice of an accountant before you decide to get involved in multi-level marketing. An accountant can be an invaluable resource in this line of work.
Pay attention to your calls to action. When you prioritize your call to action, you make emails far easier to focus. When you tell people what to do, there will be no confusion. Any email body that is written in a pointless scattered fashion will lead to negative performance as your call to actions will be ignored.

TIP! When considering a multi-level marketing program, carefully compare the availability of different types of compensation programs. This can greatly impact your overall bottom line.
Provide tutorials through your website. People will stick around and check out your other pages on your site if you share an interesting how-to article with them.

TIP! Make a call to action that is memorable. By working with this first, you can keep the emails you make focused.
Take part in any meetings that are put together by the product line’s company. This will help to increase your visibility and your network. Such meetings are also a chance to re-inspire yourself about continuing success.

TIP! Content is key, and if it helps people solve problems then that is what helps the most. Problem solving is why people are on the web.
Simply Signing
TIP! Begin small to determine if multi-level marketing is the right path for you. Don’t begin your journey with a full website and a deep commitment if you are unsure.
Sponsor your new recruits rather than simply signing them on. There are many incentives in MLM businesses for new recruits. Instead of simply signing them up and leaving them to find their own way, consider mentoring them. When you invest your time in their success, your own profits will skyrocket.

TIP! Participate in meetings held by the MLM company. This gives you an opportunity to network with others and learn new techniques to bolster your sales.
Keep track of your MLM goals. Make sure they are things that are attainable. Try to assess your true sales capabilities. Establish a target for how many recruits you will get. Remember to meet or exceed your goals.

TIP! Any program which says you’ll get rich overnight is a scam. Working in an MLM business is a time consuming process that requires you to work hard.
Being prompt will make all of the difference. When you have a new potential recruit, follow up on the situation quickly before someone else gets them. Don’t give them time to forget about your great opportunity. Make yourself available to answer any questions. If you wait and don’t answer quickly people may lose interest and then won’t be a recruit.

TIP! Selecting the best company is key. Countless MLM opportunities exist, but not all will be a good fit.
Set goals for yourself everyday in MLM. You must attend to the present while keeping an eye on the future. Create a simple to-do list, which you should strive to complete each and every day.

TIP! Write out your MLM goals. When first beginning the process, it is crucial that your goals are realistic.
Numbers are nice, but retention is best. You want to build numbers, but you also want to ensure future success. Therefore, motivating them and keeping them happy is key.

TIP! When possible recruiting prospects appear, follow up with them as soon as you can. Don’t give them time to forget about your great opportunity.
Learn tactics that produce results when you compose emails to send out for the purposes of multi-level marketing. Instead of using a generic reference, use each person’s name in their personal email. You also cannot forget the call to action, which should be very obvious and straight forward. Make sure your email behavior is both credible and professional so that your MLM programs are successful.

TIP! Keep from pressing your loved ones to join your business. Sure, they probably want to help you, but it may not be something they really want to do.
Track Record
TIP! Creativity can help a lot in selling. People see sales pitches all the time.
Go with a company that has stability. It is dangerous to become involved with a firm with no track record. One that has a steady track record is a better choice.

TIP! Daily goals are vital for multi-level marketing success. Although you need to set long term goals, you still need to focus on small daily goals in order to be successful.
Before you ever begin your career in multi-level marketing, you should have a plan for success recorded on paper. Success is your goal, but you have to know how to achieve it. Write down a list of goals and the steps it will take to achieve them, along with a budget to follow. Success will follow if you have a sound plan in place.

TIP! Develop a formal action plan when you start MLM. While most people that start working on a business wish to succeed with it, not many are planning that well for it.
MLM offers more benefits than just a new pay grade, such as expanding networks and meeting new people. These tips should help you do everything that you want to do. Best of luck to you as you get started in your new business.

TIP! Set grounded goals when you start out in MLM, your might just be walking into a huge disappointment. While you can make a lot of money with this type of thing, you have to take time, be patient and learn some skills if you want to do well.

Quick and Simple SEO Keyword Research Tips for Bloggers 2017

What Role Do Keywords Play in SEO Today?
Google is improving their algorithm every single day. And with good reason: the number of searches performed increases every year, and 16 to 20% of search queries used each day have never been typed into Google before. Because of this, Google has to work to keep on top of how the world is using their search engine.

A decade ago, keywords were king. Some more opportunistic webmasters noticed that the more times they packed a certain keyword onto a page, the better that page would rank in the search results for that keyword. This made for very hard to read, “keyword stuffed” content. Google punished this behavior with a series of algorithm updates aiming to fight “over-optimization.”Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

Keyword Research in 2017
These days, Google takes a much more holistic approach to keywords. They are more concerned with the context presented by all the many different words and phrases used in a piece of content than the unyielding presence of one particular keyword. Occasionally, content that ranks well for a certain term doesn’t even contain the exact term searched at all. But Google still excels at matching the context of what you are looking for to relevant information. Optimizing for this is called “topic modeling,” where you build context for your piece of content through the use of a set of interrelated keywords.

Funny thing is, topic modeling just loops us back to the natural way that we communicate with other people. We don’t just use one keyword; we use a set of interrelated words and phrases that together create the context for what we are discussing.

That isn’t to say that individual keywords no longer matter, though. Even in Moz’s most recent search ranking factors study, the SEOs surveyed agreed that keywords were the third most important piece of the search algorithm.

So with that covered, now let’s get to the actual SEO keyword research tips.

What Defines a Good Keyword?
The traditional definition of a “good” keyword is one that receives a high number of monthly searches and low competition from other sites trying to obtain traffic from that keyword. This determination comes from a tool like the Google Keyword Planner, which lists monthly search volume and the competitiveness of the keyword on AdWords.

In practice, however, this may not be what defines a keyword that is good for your particular blog. AdWords competitiveness is not always accurate at predicting how competitive ranking would actually be. And many longer tail keywords won’t even have monthly search volume in Keyword Planner.

Instead, it’s often best to opt for a more personalized definition. A good keyword is something your target audience would be searching for, with existing search results you could reasonably break into. Most keywords you should target are going to be at least two words, often longer. Keep reading to learn how to build up a keyword list, and then pare it down.

Keyword Research: Building Your Keyword List
You don’t need a lot of fancy or expensive tools to build a useful list of keywords. Plus, once you have a narrowed down list, a lot of the work of coming up with topics for blog posts is all done for you.

For now, though, your goal is to make a long list of keywords to target, between 50 and 100. To keep track of your keywords, create a spreadsheet. It doesn’t need to be complicated; a basic Google Sheets document will do.Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

Which Keyword Research Tool to Use?
Google Keyword Planner is a suitable tool to use, mainly because it is free. Start by typing in the main theme of your blog, which might be one to three words. Let’s say we’re starting a blog about succulents. I’ll search for the keyword “succulents” to start.Related:GroupBuy SEO Tools

From there, Google suggests some other relevant and very broad keywords, like succulent plants, succulent care, and where to buy succulents. These are still very broad keywords, but succulent care looks good – it has a high number of searches per month and AdWords reports low competition.

As you find good potential keywords, list them in the first column of your spreadsheet. List the monthly search volume in the second column. Keep scrolling through the results and adjusting the search as you think of more search terms. You can sort Keyword Planner by competition to find other strong potential matches that fit the typical high volume, low competition definition of a good keyword. You will probably end up finding a number of variations on the same idea, which is not a problem.  Although the competition rating applies to sites using AdWords, it can give a good indication of how competitive the organic search results are.

Once you have a good list of 50-100 keywords, group them by theme. Get specific enough that each group could be its own blog post.

Narrowing Down Your Keyword List
We’re already made good progress – from your list of 50+ terms you probably have enough sets of keywords to create ten or more blog posts. But where do you go from here?

A simple system for judging your keywords such as the one shared by Ryan Stewart in this article is a good option. It is a color-based rating system based on the Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) of the top four results for each keyword. To get started, sign up for a free Moz account and install their browser extension.

First, find the DA of your own website using the toolbar. Let’s say your website has a DA of 20.

Next, search Google for each keyword on your list and color-code it based on this matrix. You are looking at the top four results, and ideally for results with a PA of 20 or less and a DA less than 50.

For example, our keyword “succulent care” is looking like an orange one – with a few fairly strong pages from weak domains.

This one, “are succulents poisonous to cats,” is looking pretty good:

Once you have everything ranked, your list should look something like this:

A Core Keyword for Every Post
Essentially, what the colors you end up with in your keyword document tell you is how easy it will be to rank your post on the first page of search engine results. It won’t get there overnight, of course, but if you create a piece of content that is at least as good as the other content that appears in those top four spots, and your DA is comparable to some of the other DAs you see there, you stand a solid chance.

Your next step is to figure out the best keyword of each set, balancing volume with competitiveness, and move it to the top of the set. Some good examples are “are succulents poisonous to cats” and “faux succulents,” which the keyword research is indicating has a strong chance of ranking well.

Use these top keywords to come up with a blog post topic. The top keyword should appear in the title, ideally at the beginning. List this headline in the next column.

You will want to sprinkle the top keyword throughout the post you write, as well as including all the other keywords on your list once or twice. Don’t worry about keyword density; just use the keywords when you can, where they make sense.

If you use an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO – which you absolutely should – you should also use the top keyword there. The Yoast plugin will offer additional suggestions for optimizing your post.

Final Thoughts
If you follow the guide above, you should end up with a list of at least 50 keywords and ten or more potential blog posts. Some of these potential posts may already exist on your blog, which means that all you need to do is optimize them, tweaking the text to include your set of keywords.

When you run out of sets of keywords, all you need to do is repeat these steps to build a new list. Keyword inspiration can be found at Q&A services like Yahoo Answers and Quora, as well as from browsing relevant articles on Facebook or Pinterest.

What is your favorite source for keyword inspiration? Share your own tips and tricks in the comments below.

Article thumbnail image by Kapralcev /

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